Eurovision Song Contest 2023
2,482 design hours
2,553 fabrication hours
1,884 joinery hours
1,687 machining hours
With such a colossal set piece that needed to be delivered in a short time frame, teams from both design and fabrication worked around the clock to ensure we would deliver in time.

Individual components were colossal and took meticulous calculations to ensure a safe and secure set. Each side arm measured over 31 meters long, and 13.5 meters tall at the highest point. The hefty structure had little contact with the floor, therefore we had to ensure that it would be safely rigged onto the mother grid by our colleagues at Unusual Rigging to provide a safe space for artist and audience members alike.

Sitting independently from each other, pieces of the set were mirrored on either side of the stage and incorporate inflexible technology. These immense set pieces were rigged at different points of the mother grid and had to hit their mark to ensure the overall visual of the design was captured, adding an extra level of complexity to the build.

There was an innovative approach by the client to ensure the build process went smoothly on site. Working with so many collaborative partners from across the industry it was a huge endeavour, however with a robust timetable that allocated time for collaborative working, the crew to worked comfortably and allowed us to provide a polished result.

“From a design perspective, the main challenge was the integration with other contractors, part of the main stage, all the LED screens, LED, lighting, Speakers, Special FX/Pyro, and even the Sofas in the greenroom. Every addition had its own individual requirements and had to be incorporated into the design with positioning, access, and health and safety considerations – sometimes these requirements conflicted with each other. This wasn’t helped by the short timescale and time spent collating information from each contractor.”
– Jack Swindells, Lead Design Engineer at Stage One