So what does Stage One do? It’s a question we get asked often and in some respects it’s one that we think about all the time.
Whenever we’re asked, we have a handful of seconds to respond with an answer that encapsulates thirty years of creative fabrication, innovation and construction. It’s a question that is really difficult to answer well.
The easy answer is that we are ‘bespoke manufacturers’, but this is a response that is too generic and doesn’t really describe the sector that we are in. More accurate is the line we have used for years: ‘creative construction and manufacturing’. The introduction of the word ‘creative’ at least helps signpost the industry that we serve.
But even ‘creative construction and manufacturing’ isn’t as explicit as we might like. If we examine where the business is headed strategically, Stage One is moving towards a more innovation and knowledge led business that still has fabrication at its heart. The innovation is a function of us having to solve problems in unusual ways, perhaps because of artistic intent, budgetary, programme or physical constraints. It is supported by continual investment in digital processes, fabrication equipment and technology.
We are constantly finding new solutions to problems in creative ways for the creative industries. Solving problems is perhaps what we are best at.
So, perhaps our new mantra should be ‘Fabrication innovation for the creative industries’. It’s a clumsy lock-up from a linguistic point of view, but does sum up our approach nicely.
The introduction of this blog to our website should help articulate our proposition. We’ve been guilty of confusing people for too long. Now is the time to be clear about what we’re thinking, where we’re going, where we think the industry is headed.
If you have big issues for us to ponder, do drop a note to enquiries@stageone.co.uk and we’ll use the new blog as a platform for describing our view on the creative industry world.